Saturday, September 15, 2007

No one said parenting was easy, but starting out on a day when your first child, already 14 months old, has just been diagnosed with bronchitis--that might be a little brave, even by the standards demanding standards known as 'mom' and 'dad.'

In this case, though, the parents were not only heroic, but also supported by extended family. Verna is from Albay, here in the Philippines, so her mother and older sister were here to help.
No one balks at experience, and when it comes in such a helpful package, you want to honor it as a gift from God.

Doug is a cheerful New Yorker, who is going to punctuate most everything Ian (aka Dave) is ever going to do with throaty laughter.

We had a great time with the new family. Just a few hours out our way, and then a 'last supper' of sorts last night down near the hotel where they stayed before flying out today.
We never seem to accept as mundane this miracle of a family coming together for the first time. This picture, for the unititiated, is Jhett (right), or social worker, and Jacquie, from Chosen Children, completing the paper work for the adoption with a smiling dad.


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