Sunday, October 04, 2009

Jorge and I were privileged to be asked to drive for the funeral of Ruvie Mar Mantos, two-years- old, today. We picked them up from a subdivision near their house, because it was closest we could get with our vehicles.

I asked if Robert and Malou would ride with us, but the family explained that walking behind the hearse was the last sacrifice Ruvie's parents would be able to make for her. There were a lot of those choke-up moments in the day.

Along the way, more and more hearses joined the procession until there were 7 of us all going to the same church in Taytay.

The sanctuary was full. The row in front of us all carried colorful balloons that read GO WITH GOD -- WE LOVE YOU MARICEL.

Finally, the grief of losing a loved one is very personal. Others grieving near you is about the most comfort you can get. But for the few minutes of praying the Lord's Prayer together, we were drawing really on one another. Thank God for little liturgies that bring people together.

I got to know the extended family a little bit. This is Baby, saying a last goodbye to a niece she never got to know very well. GO WITH GOD, RUVIE. YOU ARE WELL LOVED.

God will not abandon you to the grave,
nor let his Holy One see decay (Psalm 16:10).


Blogger Jen Quesnel said...

Hi there Darren

I know it's the middle of the night for you right now, but hopefully you get this message soon. We'd love to let more people back home in Saskatchewan know about this story, and we need you to telephone us as soon as possible.

Please call CBC Saskatchewan collect as soon as you get this:
1 306 347 9688

All the best
Jennifer Quesnel
Nichole Huck
-- CBC Radio & TV Saskatchewan --

12:34 AM  
Blogger Albany Intercessor said...

Our daughter (Sarah Beuerle) has spoken of you and it is a joy to meet you through your blog.

8:41 PM  

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