Monday, January 15, 2007

This is all that's left of the truck that picks up the garbage in our sub-division. There's a quarry up the road from us, and big trucks come down the hill full of rocks. One of them lost their brakes the other night and slammed into the two barangay trucks that were parked on the side of the road.
The scary thing is that we missed the accident by about twenty minutes; it happened right where we would have been turning into our subdivision, within walking distance from our house.
The good thing is that, while the driver didn't live , he made the right choice in hitting empty, parked trucks rather than trying to make it through the busy intersection only a hundred yards away. Another truck tried that a while ago, with disastrous results.

This one totally flattened the first truck, totalled the second, and smashed up a third before flipping over on its side.


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